
Tree View Menu - Computer Cars Section

This section contains data related to the computer cars.

Racing Line Header

Double-clicking this item opens up the racing line header window.

Racing Line Segments

When expanded, this section displays a list of all computer car racing line segments.

Racing line treeview screenshot

Double-clicking on an item in the list opens it for editing with the racing line segment details window.

If you right-click on the “Racing Line Segments” header, you get the following context menu:

You can right-click on an item to open a context menu containing the following options:

Car Setup

This allows you to edit the car setup that the computer car uses in the game.

Double-clicking this item opens up the computer car setup window.


Here you can manipulate various behaviors for the computer cars, e.g. tweak how late they brake.

Double-clicking this item opens up the computer car behavior settings window.