
API Reference > 0.21 > TrackSettings

TrackSettings Class

Represents various track settings.

Namespace: ArgData.Entities


Name Description
TrackSettings() Initializes a new instance of TrackSettings.


Name Description
DefaultPitLaneViewDistance Gets or sets the default pit lane view distance.
KerbLowerColor Gets the kerb lower color of the kerbs.
KerbLowerColor2 Gets the alternate kerb lower color of the kerbs. Only used when KerbType is TripleColor.
KerbType Gets the kerb type, describing the number of colors it has.
KerbUpperColor Gets the kerb upper color of the kerbs.
KerbUpperColor2 Gets the alternate kerb upper color of the kerbs. Only used when KerbType is TripleColor.
LapCount Gets or sets the number of laps in a 100% race.
LapTimeIndication Gets or sets an indication of lap time (in milliseconds) that is used to determine the duration of hot-seat stints, as well as the number of simultaneous runners during a non-race sessions.
PitsSide Gets or sets which side of the track that the pit lane is located.
PoleSide Gets or sets which side of track that the pole position is located.
SurroundingArea Gets or sets the type of surrounding area for the track.
TimeFactorNonRace Gets or sets the time factor in sessions that are not race sessions.
TimeFactorRace Gets or sets the time factor in a race session.
UnknownTrackDistance Gets or sets the unknown track distance-related value.