
API Reference > 0.21 > TrackSection

TrackSection Class

Represents a small section of a track.

Namespace: ArgData.Entities


Name Description
TrackSection() Initializes a new instance of a TrackSection.


Name Description
BridgedLeftFence Gets or sets whether the left fence should be bridged from the starting point of the current section to the starting point of the next non-bridged section.
BridgedRightFence Gets or sets whether the right fence should be bridged from the starting point of the current section to the starting point of the next non-bridged section.
Commands Gets the list of TrackSectionCommands.
Curvature Gets or sets the curvature of the track. Positive numbers means a right turn, negative numbers means a left turn. Smaller numbers indicate a tighter turn.
HasLeftKerb Gets or sets whether there is a kerb on the left side of the track in the section.
HasRightKerb Gets or sets whether there is a kerb on the right side of the track in the section.
Height Gets or sets the height change that occurs in the section.
KerbHeight Gets or sets the height of the kerb in the section, if there is one set with the HasLeftKerb or HasRightKerb flags.
LeftVergeWidth Gets or sets the width of the left verge.
Length Gets or sets the length of the section. 1 unit is 16 feet (approx 4.87 meters).
PitLaneEntrance Get or sets whether the PitLaneEntrance flag should be set for the section.
PitLaneExit Get or sets whether the PitLaneExit flag should be set for the section.
RemoveLeftWall Gets or sets whether the right wall of the section should be removed/invisible.
RemoveRightWall Gets or sets whether the right wall of the section should be removed/invisible.
RightVergeWidth Gets or sets the width of the right verge.
RoadSignArrow Gets or sets whether an arrow sign should appear before the section.
RoadSignArrow100 Gets or sets whether an arrow and 100 sign should appear before the section.
RoadSigns Gets or sets whether 300/200/100 signs should appear before the section.
Unknown1 Gets or sets the Unknown1 flag (0x100). Not used in any default track, probably has no use.
Unknown2 Gets or sets the Unknown2 flag (0x200). Not used in any default track, probably has no use.
Unknown3 Gets or sets the Unknown3 flag (0x4000).
Unknown4 Gets or sets the Unknown4 flag (0x8000). Not used in any default track, probably has no use.