
API Reference > 0.21 > DriverPerformanceReader

DriverPerformanceReader Class

Reads the race and qualifying driver performance levels for computer drivers, as well as the general grip level for computer cars.

Namespace: ArgData


Name Description
DriverPerformanceReader(GpExeFile exeFile) Creates a DriverPerformanceReader for the specified GP.EXE file.
exeFile: GpExeFile to read from.


Name Description
For(GpExeFile exeFile) Creates a DriverPerformanceReader for the specified GP.EXE file.
exeFile: GpExeFile to read from.
ReadGeneralGripLevel() Reads the general grip level for computer cars. Higher values mean that the computer cars
go faster. Default value is 1.
ReadQualifyingPerformanceLevel(Int32 driverNumber) Reads the qualifying performance level of the driver with the specified number. Lower value indicates higher performance.
driverNumber: Driver number to read qualifying performance level for.
ReadQualifyingPerformanceLevels() Reads the qualifying performance level of all drivers. Lower value indicates higher performance.
ReadRacePerformanceLevel(Int32 driverNumber) Reads the race performance of the driver with the specified number. Lower value indicates higher performance.
driverNumber: Driver number to read race performance level for.
ReadRacePerformanceLevels() Reads the race performance of all drivers. Lower value indicates higher performance.