
API Reference > 0.19.1 > PaletteWithRanges

PaletteWithRanges Class

Represents a palette of 256 colors used in various places in F1GP, including a set of color ranges.

Namespace: ArgData


Name Description
GetBrighterColor(Int32 index) Gets the next brightest color in the color range of the specified color.
index: Index of color to get brighter color for.
GetBrighterColor(Byte index) Gets the next brightest color in the color range of the specified color.
index: Index of color to get brighter color for.
GetColor(Byte index) Get the color at the specified index in the palette.
index: Index of color to fetch.
GetColor(Int32 index) Get the color at the specified index in the palette.
index: Index of color to fetch.
GetDarkerColor(Int32 index) Gets the next darkest color in the color range of the specified color.
index: Index of color to get darker color for.
GetDarkerColor(Byte index) Gets the next darkest color in the color range of the specified color.
index: Index of color to get darker color for.
GetRangeForColor(Byte index) Gets the range of colors for the specified color.
index: Index of color to get range for.